German Federal Government Prioritizes Infrastructure Development and Climate Transition

The German Federal Government aims to modernize the country and continue its reform program, with a focus on infrastructure development, energy networks, and the climate transition. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz recently announced several measures to speed up infrastructure development in Germany, including rail, traffic, and energy networks. Scholz emphasized that Germany would become more efficient in its efforts, saying, “We are speeding things up, and all of these tasks are pursued in a target-oriented manner. The stagnancy of recent decades is now a thing of the past.” The Federal Government has also introduced measures to shorten the process of building wind power plants and replacing ailing motorway bridges.

To achieve a climate-neutral Germany, the government plans to promote energy efficiency of buildings with pragmatic and targeted solutions, and citizens will not be left alone to cope with their problems. Scholz explained that it was crucial to train young people to become skilled workers, increase the employment of women, and provide options for workers to obtain qualifications while continuing full-time employment. The government has initiated a modern Skilled Workers Immigration Act and an Advanced Training Act to achieve this.

Scholz emphasized that the future of Germany depended on attracting skilled workers from abroad and making the labor market more appealing and competitive. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce bureaucracy and create an attractive environment to attract talent to Germany.

Scholz also proposed further reforms, including a basic child allowance, and stressed that modernization and progress required more reforms. The government aims to continue its reform program to achieve its objectives of modernizing the country, improving infrastructure, and promoting sustainable development.






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