Olli Rehn Elected First Vice-Chair of European Systemic Risk Board, Brings Extensive Experience to Oversee Financial Stability in the EU

Olli Rehn, Governor of Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank, has been elected as First Vice-Chair of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) for a term of five years. He will replace Stefan Ingves after the end of Ingves’ term as Governor of Sveriges Riksbank. The ESRB, an independent EU body responsible for overseeing the stability of the financial system in the EU, is chaired by ECB President Christine Lagarde. Mr. Rehn has been Governor of Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank since 2018 and has extensive experience in European and Finnish politics, including serving as Vice-President of the European Commission and as a Member of the European and Finnish parliaments. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) degree in international political economy and is an adjunct professor in political science at the University of Helsinki.




