Chinese Commercial Residential Building Sales Prices Show Overall Growth in March 2023, with Regional Variations and Mixed Monthly Changes

  1. General Trend: The sales prices of commercial residential buildings in most cities showed an increase compared to the same month last year (Y/Y) and the same period last year (Average in Jan-Mar), with many cities showing double-digit growth in both categories.
  2. Month-on-Month (M/M) Changes: The M/M changes in sales prices were mixed, with some cities showing increases and others showing decreases. Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Chengdu were among the cities that showed an increase in sales prices compared to the previous month.
  3. Year-on-Year (Y/Y) Changes: The Y/Y changes in sales prices were mostly positive, indicating overall growth compared to the same month last year. Chengdu, Guiyang, and Kunming were among the cities that showed significant Y/Y growth in sales prices.
  4. Regional Variations: There were regional variations in sales price trends, with some cities showing higher growth rates compared to others. Cities in eastern and southern China, such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, generally showed higher sales price growth compared to cities in northern and western China.
  5. Summary: Overall, the sales prices of commercial residential buildings in 70 medium and large-sized cities in China showed a general trend of growth in March 2023 compared to the same period last year. However, there were mixed changes in sales prices on a month-on-month basis, indicating some level of volatility in the market. Regional variations were also observed, with cities in eastern and southern China showing higher sales price growth compared to cities in northern and western China.



