Investment Trends in Danish Manufacturing Industries in 2023

The Investment Survey conducted in Denmark shows the budget figures for various manufacturing industries have significantly changed over time. The figures are divided into different categories like mining and quarrying, manufacturing, food products, textiles, electronics, furniture, etc., and show a change in investment plans in 2022 and 2023. The budget figures are calculated in October the year before, and revisions are made in April of the same year. The final figures are calculated in April of the following year. Some industries have shown a considerable increase in budget figures, while others have remained unchanged. The survey provides a comprehensive picture of investment plans in various manufacturing industries in Denmark.

Based on the data provided, the following trends and observations can be made:

  1. Manufacturing industries: The data shows that the manufacturing sector is one of the major contributors to the economy, with CA (Manufacture of food products, beverages, and tobacco), CD (Oil refinery, etc.), and CK (Manufacture of machinery) being some of the top-performing sub-sectors.
  2. Investment trends: The data shows that investment in the manufacturing sector has remained largely unchanged, with some fluctuations in specific sub-sectors. There seems to be a consistent investment in capital goods (MIG), intermediate goods (MIG), and non-durable consumer goods (MIG), while investment in durable consumer goods (MIG) has remained relatively low.
  3. Budget figures: The budget figures for the manufacturing sector show a decline in investment in some sub-sectors, particularly in mining and quarrying, textiles, and transport equipment. However, there has been an increase in investment in some other sub-sectors, such as electronics, electrical equipment, and furniture.
  4. Revision of budget figures: The data shows that the budget figures are subject to revisions over time. The second revision of the budget figures (calculated in October of the same year) often shows a decrease in investment in most sub-sectors.

Overall, the data suggests that the manufacturing sector is a key player in the economy, but investment in specific sub-sectors has fluctuated over time. The budget figures are also subject to revisions, which can affect the actual investment in the manufacturing sector.



