Statistics on Pupils and Students in Switzerland’s Education System, 2021/22: Enrollment by Gender and Citizenship Status

In compulsory education, there were a total of 987,664 students, of which 508,142 were female and 479,522 were male. The majority of students (715,946) were of Swiss origin, followed by 271,285 foreign students and 433 unspecified. At the primary level, there were 182,158 students, and at the lower secondary level, there were 270,072 students. At the upper secondary level, there were 366,353 students, with the majority of them (215,581) enrolled in vocational education and training.

At the tertiary level, there were a total of 339,105 students, with 165,028 being male and 174,077 female. The majority of students (256,128) were of Swiss origin, followed by 82,600 foreign students and 377 unspecified. The higher education institutions had the highest number of students (276,607), with universities of applied sciences having 108,417 students and universities having 168,190 students.

Overall, the data suggests that Switzerland has a well-established education system with a significant number of students at all levels. The high number of students in vocational education and training reflects Switzerland’s emphasis on vocational education and the importance given to practical skills in the country.



