Switzerland’s Registered Unemployment Rate Remains Stable at 2.0% in April 2023, with Youth and Senior Unemployment Rates Decreasing

According to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the number of registered unemployed individuals in Switzerland decreased by 2,221 to 90,534 in April 2023, while the unemployment rate remained at 2.0%. Compared to the previous year, unemployment decreased by 13,857 (-13.3%). Youth unemployment decreased by 504 (-6.1%) to 7,726, while unemployment among individuals aged 50-64 decreased by 524 (-1.9%) to 27,049. The number of job seekers decreased by 5,828 to 156,036, and the number of open positions reported to the Regional Employment Centers decreased by 4,519 to 52,223. 32,663 of these open positions were subject to mandatory reporting. In February 2023, 1,814 individuals were affected by short-time work, with 108,428 lost working hours. Finally, in February 2023, 2,331 individuals had exhausted their unemployment benefits.




