Denmark’s Consumer Price Index Shows Modest Increase in April

Denmark’s consumer price index remained stable in April 2023, rising just 0.3% from the previous month, according to data released by the country’s national statistics office. The index, which uses 2015 as the base year, stood at 117.6, up from 116.4 in January 2023.

The data, broken down by commodity group, reveals that food and non-alcoholic beverages saw the largest increase, rising 0.5% to 127.6 in April, compared to March 2023. Within this category, milk, cheese, and eggs increased 1.5%, while oils and fats increased a staggering 11.5% to 156.3.

Alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and narcotics, on the other hand, saw a 0.3% decline in April, dropping to 131.0. This was driven by a decrease in wine prices, which fell 0.9% during the month.

In terms of housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels, the index fell 0.9% to 118.6 in April, compared to March 2023. The decline was driven by a 4.9% decrease in electricity, a 19.6% decrease in gas, and a 0.7% decrease in water supply.

Furnishings, household equipment, and routine household maintenance saw a slight increase of 0.6% to 108.9 in April, driven by a 0.6% increase in furniture and furnishings.

The data shows that the cost of living in Denmark remains high, with the consumer price index remaining well above the 2015 base year. While some commodity groups saw significant increases, others saw declines, resulting in a stable overall index.



