Norwegian Marriages Increase by 30% in 2022: Divorces and Separations See a Decrease

According to the latest data released by Statistics Norway, the number of marriages in Norway has increased by 30% in 2022, as compared to the previous year. The increase is significant as it marks a reversal in the trend observed in recent years.

The data shows that a total of 20,769 marriages were contracted in 2022, which is an increase of 4,719 from 2021. On the other hand, the number of divorces decreased by 689, and separations decreased by 35, indicating that the pandemic-induced stress on relationships may have eased in Norway.

The increase in marriages is noteworthy since the number had been decreasing over the last few years, with 2020 being the lowest year with only 16,050 marriages. The new data suggests that people may be regaining confidence in their relationships, and with the pandemic restrictions easing up, they are choosing to tie the knot.

However, it is important to note that the data for 2022 is provisional and subject to change. The next update is yet to be determined, and it remains to be seen if this trend will continue in the coming years.



