German Accommodation and Food Services Experience a 2.1% Turnover Decline in March 2023

According to provisional results from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), turnover in accommodation and food services in Germany decreased by a real (price-adjusted) 2.1% in March 2023 compared to the previous month, after adjusting for calendar and seasonal fluctuations. The decrease in nominal (not price-adjusted) terms was 1.0%. Despite the decline, the turnover in accommodation and food services in March 2023 was still 9.0% higher in real terms than in the same month the previous year.

The turnover in March 2023 was, however, 14.0% below the level of March 2019, the corresponding month before the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak in Germany. The decline in turnover could be attributed to several factors, including the current restrictions due to the pandemic and changing consumer behavior.



