The Danish Government Unveils New Foreign and Security Policy Strategy Amid Global Uncertainty

The Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, announced today the government’s comprehensive foreign and security policy strategy aimed at addressing the growing challenges and uncertainties in the global landscape following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The strategy outlines three key priorities that will guide Denmark’s approach to navigate through these turbulent times.

At the forefront of the strategy is a renewed focus on enhancing the security of Denmark and Europe in response to the recent events in Ukraine. Recognizing the importance of a strong and united Europe, Denmark aims to bolster its defenses and strengthen its partnerships to ensure the safety and stability of the region.

In addition, the Danish government emphasizes the need for reinforced global partnerships and alliances. Recognizing the interconnectedness of the world, Denmark seeks to enhance its collaborations with international partners to address common challenges such as climate change, terrorism, and cyber threats. By fostering strong alliances, Denmark aims to play an active role in shaping the global agenda and finding collective solutions.

The third pillar of the strategy revolves around building a more resilient and robust society. Denmark aims to strengthen its supply chains, energy infrastructure, and critical sectors to withstand potential disruptions and safeguard its national interests. By enhancing its resilience, Denmark aims to ensure the stability and continuity of vital services, even in times of crisis.

Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen unveiled the strategy during a significant foreign policy speech delivered at the prestigious University of Copenhagen. The strategy document, titled “Foreign and Security Policy Strategy 2023,” provides a comprehensive framework for Denmark’s foreign policy objectives and can be accessed on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website.



