Portugal’s National Data Infrastructure Reveals Impact of First Child’s Birth on Family Expenses

Lisbon – On the occasion of the 88th anniversary of Statistics Portugal, an ad-hoc press release highlights the findings from the analysis of administrative data on household expenses from January 2016 to December 2019.

One of the key areas explored in the study was the impact of the birth of the first child on family spending patterns. By utilizing integrated administrative records, including income tax data and monthly household expenditures from electronic invoices, researchers were able to estimate the changes in household expenses during the six months following childbirth compared to the months prior to pregnancy.

The analysis revealed that, on average, the birth of the first child led to a 20% increase in total household expenditure in the six months following childbirth. This significant change in expenditure can be attributed to specific categories. Retail trade expenses saw the largest increase, with a 52% rise compared to pre-pregnancy levels. Health expenditures followed closely with a 36% increase, while electricity and gas expenses rose by 16%, and water expenses increased by 9%.

Interestingly, the study also observed a notable increase in education expenses. However, unlike the other categories mentioned, education expenses showed growth only in the sixth month following childbirth.

These findings shed light on the financial impact of starting a family and provide valuable insights into the changing dynamics of household expenditures during this period. By utilizing administrative data, Statistics Portugal continues to contribute to a better understanding of societal trends and the economic implications they entail.

The comprehensive analysis of administrative data offers policymakers and researchers valuable information to inform decision-making processes and shape effective policies that support families during this crucial life transition.

Statistics Portugal remains committed to leveraging the National Data Infrastructure to provide accurate and timely data, contributing to the development of evidence-based policies and fostering a deeper understanding of the Portuguese society.

For more detailed information, please refer to the full report available on the Statistics Portugal website.




