Marital Status in Finland: Changes in Marriages, Divorces, and Registered Partnerships

Recent data from Finland provides insights into the country’s marital landscape, revealing trends in marriages, divorces, and registered partnerships. The statistics showcase fluctuations in different categories of marital status over the years, shedding light on the evolving dynamics of relationships in Finnish society.

In 2020, a total of 21,687 opposite-sex couples entered into marriages, while 13,390 opposite-sex couples experienced divorces. Additionally, there were 123 marriages among male couples and 272 marriages among female couples. The number of divorces among male couples was 25, and among female couples, it was 63. No registered partnerships were reported for male or female couples, and there were 21 divorces from registered partnerships among male couples, and 48 divorces from registered partnerships among female couples. The figures also indicate that 5,792 widowers and 12,552 widows were recorded during that year.

Moving to 2021, there was a decline in the number of marriages, with 19,204 opposite-sex couples tying the knot. The number of opposite-sex divorces also decreased to 12,081. Male couples accounted for 110 marriages, while female couples had 265 marriages. The number of divorces among male couples decreased to 17, while among female couples, it increased to 68. There were no registered partnerships reported, and divorces from registered partnerships decreased to 14 among male couples and 39 among female couples. The year recorded 5,873 widowers and 12,959 widows.

In 2022, the number of marriages among opposite-sex couples increased to 21,519, while divorces decreased to 11,264. Male couples saw an increase in marriages, with 132 unions, while female couples had 291 marriages. The number of divorces among male couples increased to 26, and among female couples, it rose to 80. No registered partnerships were reported, and divorces from registered partnerships decreased to 10 among male couples and 21 among female couples. The year witnessed 6,540 widowers and 13,972 widows.

These statistics highlight the changing landscape of marital status in Finland, reflecting the patterns and choices made by couples and individuals. The data provides valuable insights for researchers, policymakers, and individuals interested in understanding the dynamics of relationships in the country.



