Unemployment Rate in Finland Remains Stable with 469,619 Jobseekers in November 2022

The latest data released by Statistic Finland reveals that the number of unemployed jobseekers in Finland stood at 469,619 in November 2022. The unemployment rate remained steady at 8.9 percent, with jobseekers accounting for 8.9 percent of the total workforce, which numbered 2,636,256 individuals.

The breakdown of jobseekers by gender indicates that there were 136,307 unemployed men and 98,530 unemployed women. Among the unemployed jobseekers, 4,430 were under the age of 20, while 23,232 were under the age of 25. The number of jobseekers over the age of 50 reached 90,269. Additionally, 29,337 jobseekers reported disabilities or long-term illnesses.

Foreign unemployed jobseekers accounted for 32,369 individuals in November. Moreover, the data showed that there were 86,078 individuals classified as long-term unemployed. Out of all jobseekers, 171,253 were members of employees’ unemployment funds.

Regarding employment status, 13,856 individuals were fully laid off, while 5,841 individuals were on a reduced working week. On the other hand, 34,665 individuals were actively engaged in employment activities, such as traineeships, preparatory training for working life, work and training trials, and labor market training. Furthermore, 6,880 individuals were undergoing training, and 22,385 were receiving other services related to employment.

The report also indicated that there were 2,014 vacancies available at the end of November. Throughout the month, 51,690 new vacancies were created, demonstrating some positive signs in the labor market.

The data encompasses the entire country, providing a comprehensive overview of the job market in Finland. Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic, the unemployment rate has remained stable, indicating resilience in the labor market.

These statistics serve as a valuable reference for policymakers and stakeholders in their efforts to address unemployment and foster economic growth. The government and relevant authorities will continue to monitor the job market closely and implement strategies to support job creation and reduce unemployment rates across the nation.




