Decline in Guest Nights in Norwegian Accommodation Sector

The accommodation sector in Norway has experienced a slight decline in guest nights, reflecting changing travel patterns and external factors impacting the industry. According to the latest data released on 2 June 2023, the total number of guest nights for April 2023 showed a decrease of 3.2 percent compared to the same period last year.

The figures, compiled by the Norwegian Tourism Board, reveal that guest nights for April 2023 reached 2,400,098. Among these, 76.63 percent were attributed to Norwegian guests, while 23.37 percent were accounted for by international visitors. The decline in guest nights was observed across both segments, with Norwegian guest nights decreasing by 6.3 percent and foreign guest nights declining by 15.3 percent.

Analyzing the data further, guest nights in commercial accommodation establishments totaled 2,279,720 in April 2023. This represents a decline of 3.2 percent compared to the previous year. Hotels and similar establishments recorded a slight decrease of 0.8 percent in guest nights, amounting to 1,694,419. Camping sites experienced a more substantial decline, with guest nights dropping by 10.3 percent to 310,984. Similarly, holiday dwellings and youth hostels saw a decrease of 8.5 percent, accounting for 274,317 guest nights.

In contrast, non-commercial accommodation establishments, such as holiday homes facilitated by intermediaries, witnessed a notable increase in guest nights. The sector experienced a growth of 26.4 percent, reaching a total of 120,378 guest nights. This upward trend can be attributed to the rising popularity of alternative accommodations and changing travel preferences among tourists.

The decline in guest nights highlights the challenges faced by the accommodation sector, likely influenced by various factors including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and associated travel restrictions. The Norwegian Tourism Board and industry stakeholders will continue to monitor the situation closely to adapt and implement strategies to stimulate recovery and encourage tourism growth.

The next update on guest nights and related statistics is scheduled for 30 June 2023, providing further insights into the performance and trends within the Norwegian accommodation sector.

For a more detailed breakdown and comprehensive information on guest nights, please refer to the official report provided by the Norwegian Tourism Board.



