Norway’s Commercial Roundwood Removals Demonstrate Positive Growth with a 15.8% Increase in Timber Prices

The commercial roundwood removals in Norway have exhibited a significant rise in timber prices, as revealed by the latest update on 1 June 2023. The data showcases a positive yearly change of 15.8% in timber prices during the year 2022, indicating a thriving commercial timber sector in the country.

The report, released by the Norwegian Statistical Office, sheds light on the remarkable surge in timber prices across various categories. The total commercial roundwood removals for the year 2022 reached 11,517 thousand cubic meters, reflecting a modest increase of 0.6% compared to the previous year. Furthermore, the average price per cubic meter experienced a noteworthy surge of 15.8%, signaling a positive market trend for timber in Norway.

When examining specific timber types, the removals of spruce saw logs witnessed a decrease of 2.9% but enjoyed a substantial price increase of 16.0%. Pulpwood removals for spruce showcased a 3.2% increase, coupled with a remarkable price growth of 21.3%. Unsorted spruce saw logs experienced a significant yearly change, with removals soaring by 65.2% and prices increasing by 4.3%.

In the case of pine, saw log removals demonstrated a growth of 1.2%, accompanied by a price increase of 14.3%. However, pulpwood removals for pine experienced a slight decline of 0.3%, while maintaining a favorable price change of 13.9%. Unsorted pine saw logs observed a notable yearly change, with removals rising by 24.6% and prices surging by 21.1%.

The report emphasizes the positive momentum in Norway’s commercial roundwood sector, highlighting the robust growth in timber prices. The upward trajectory in prices bodes well for the industry, indicating a favorable market environment and potential opportunities for stakeholders in the timber sector.



