Norway’s International Accounts Show Stable Current Account Balance

Norway’s international accounts reveal a steady current account balance in the first quarter of 2023. According to the latest data released by the Central Bank of Norway, the current account balance stood at 279,693 million NOK during this period.

The balance of goods and services, which indicates the difference between exports and imports, recorded a positive figure of 237,212 million NOK. This signifies a healthy trade surplus for Norway in the global market. Meanwhile, the balance of income and current transfers, including earnings from investments and financial flows, registered a surplus of 61,772 million NOK.

When considering reinvested earnings, the current account balance amounted to 279,693 million NOK, highlighting the sustained positive trend in Norway’s international financial transactions.

On the financial front, Norway’s opening balance for the quarter was 11,649,305 million NOK. The net lending or borrowing in financial account transactions reached 305,048 million NOK, indicating a net inflow of capital into the country. Other changes, including adjustments and valuation effects, contributed significantly to the financial account, with a total of 2,065,137 million NOK.

Despite the overall stability in the international accounts, there were minor discrepancies, resulting in net errors and omissions of 26,264 million NOK.

These figures demonstrate Norway’s solid position in the global economy, driven by favorable trade conditions and robust financial activities. The upcoming update in September is anticipated to provide further insights into Norway’s international accounts and its economic performance.



