EU and Mexico Strengthen Bilateral Relations and Strategic Partnership

In a historic meeting, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen visited Mexico to meet with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, marking the first visit of a European Commission head to Mexico in 11 years. The purpose of the meeting was to revitalize the bilateral relationship and strengthen the Strategic Partnership between Mexico and the European Union across various dimensions.

During their dialogue, President López Obrador and President von der Leyen identified key priorities and challenges shared by both nations. These included combating inequality and poverty, promoting human rights, addressing the energy transition and climate change, tackling biodiversity loss, managing migration, ensuring health, addressing inflation and food security, and upholding international law.

Mexico stands as the European Union’s second largest trading partner in Latin America and the Caribbean, while the European Union holds the position of Mexico’s third largest trading partner and second largest investor. Acknowledging the significance of this robust economic relationship, both leaders agreed to pursue policies that promote sustainable, resilient, and inclusive economic growth and development, ensuring social justice on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Presidents also expressed their commitment to strengthen bilateral plans and programs that foster mutual investment, technology transfer, and knowledge exchange for the benefit of their respective societies. They explored opportunities presented by the European Union’s Global Gateway initiative for priority projects in Mexico, encompassing sustainable finance, public health, vaccine production, sustainable energy (including green hydrogen), and sustainable water management. Notable Mexican initiatives such as Plan Sonora and the inter-oceanic corridor of the Istmo de Tehuantepec were highlighted as having potential for collaboration.

Recognizing Mexico’s strategic position as an energy, industrial, and logistical hub to serve the North American and European markets, with particular potential in green hydrogen energy, both leaders agreed that European investments would play a crucial role in its development. In this regard, they commended the signing of the Joint Declaration of Intent between the Government of the Mexican United States and the European Investment Bank (EIB), aimed at implementing a sustainable financing strategy in Mexico within the framework of the political relationship between Mexico and the EU.

To deepen their political, trade, and cooperation partnership, President López Obrador and President von der Leyen emphasized the importance of finalizing negotiations on the draft modernized Global Agreement before the end of the year. They pledged to further enhance their collaboration at bilateral, regional, and global levels, while working together to strengthen the multilateral system.

In a show of solidarity, both leaders reaffirmed their support for the people of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, emphasizing Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, as outlined in relevant UN Resolutions. They called for a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace in line with the principles of the United Nations Charter. The EU and Mexico expressed their commitment to diplomatic efforts in this regard.

The Presidents also underlined their joint commitment to combat the illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons, recognizing the devastating human and socioeconomic consequences associated with such activities.

Addressing migration, they stressed the importance of a comprehensive approach and the necessity to create favorable conditions for sustainable livelihoods and improved social conditions for local communities in Central America.

Looking ahead, both leaders agreed that the upcoming Summit of Leaders of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the European Union, scheduled for July 17 and 18, 2023, in Brussels, Belgium, would serve as a platform to renew and strengthen the longstanding bi-regional partnership. They acknowledged the significant global role this equal partnership plays in tackling present challenges, including persistent inequalities, climate change, and unprecedented global security threats.

The meeting between President von der Leyen and President López Obrador marks a pivotal moment in EU-Mexico relations, solidifying their commitment to collaboration, shared values, and joint action on pressing global issues.



