EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira Delivers Speech on EU Investment Priorities for the Future

Commissioner Elisa Ferreira addressed a high-level event on EU investment instruments to accelerate economic, social, and territorial development through a video message. The event focused on the need for European investment policies to adapt to the rapidly changing times and challenges faced by the European Union.

In her speech, Commissioner Ferreira acknowledged the turbulent times marked by the COVID-19 crisis, Russian aggression, and the twin transition to a green and digital economy. While these transitions present opportunities such as the potential for 2 million new green jobs in Europe, they also bring challenges, particularly in terms of social justice and demographic change.

The Commissioner emphasized the importance of ensuring territorial cohesion and leaving no region or place behind. Territorial cohesion not only aligns with European values and political principles but also contributes to economic efficiency. Commissioner Ferreira highlighted the Regional Competitiveness Index, which indicates that national economic success strongly correlates with regional and territorial balance.

Development gaps and traps pose challenges for some regions, and the Commission has taken steps to address them. The Talent Booster Mechanism was launched to tackle skills gaps and prevent brain drain caused by the lack of key skills in certain regions. Additionally, the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) aims to invest in future-oriented technologies and support lagging regions, enabling them to benefit from innovation, added value, and quality jobs.

Commissioner Ferreira stressed the need for ongoing adaptations and improvements to Cohesion Policy to enhance the resilience of territories and facilitate transitions effectively. To drive this process, she established a High-Level Group and welcomed the contributions of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) to the discussions. The Commissioner urged active involvement in national debates on the future of Cohesion Policy and emphasized the importance of delivering tangible results and long-term impacts on the ground.

In conclusion, Commissioner Elisa Ferreira expressed her appreciation for the fruitful discussion at the high-level event and looked forward to hearing more ideas for strengthening Cohesion Policy’s future.



