Norway Implements Changes to Combat Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/1175 amends emergency measures in relation to outbreaks of avian influenza

Oslo, Norway – Norway has implemented changes to combat the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) by adopting Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/1175. The decision amends the emergency measures concerning outbreaks of avian influenza in certain Member States.

HPAI is a highly contagious viral disease that affects birds, causing disruptions in trade within the European Economic Area (EEA) and with third countries. The disease poses a significant risk to poultry farming profitability and results in high mortality rates among domesticated birds. The presence of avian influenza in wild bird populations presents an ongoing risk of transmission to domesticated and captive birds through direct and indirect contact.

The decision specifies the areas in EEA countries with outbreaks of HPAI that are subject to restriction zones, protection zones, and surveillance zones. These zones aim to prevent the spread of the disease and ensure the containment of outbreaks. The Annex to the decision will be continuously updated to reflect the epidemiological situation of HPAI outbreaks in EEA countries.

The amendment to the decision modifies the lists for zone classifications to reflect the HPAI situation in France. The changes will be implemented in the domestic legislation of Norway through the Regulation on Temporary Control and Emergency Measures to Prevent the Spread of Designated Animal Diseases in the EEA.

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) will update its website to provide links to the European Commission’s updated information on HPAI outbreaks in Europe.

The implementation of the decision is not expected to have significant economic or administrative consequences. The Norwegian authorities and Mattilsynet have deemed the decision EEA-relevant and acceptable.

The measures taken by Norway are part of the collective efforts to control and prevent the spread of avian influenza in the region, safeguarding public health and ensuring the stability of the poultry industry.



