President Ursula von der Leyen Affirms Support for Ukraine in Speech at French National Day Reception

President von der Leyen highlights Ukraine’s choice for Europe and emphasizes the importance of values

Brussels, EU – President Ursula von der Leyen delivered a speech at the reception held in honor of the French National Day, reaffirming the European Union’s support for Ukraine and emphasizing the importance of shared values.

President von der Leyen began her speech by expressing her honor in celebrating the French National Day, a date that holds historical significance and resonates beyond France’s borders. She highlighted that the spirit of the Enlightenment, characterized by harmony and belief in human progress, is the foundation of the European Union.

Drawing attention to a significant event fifty years ago, President von der Leyen commemorated Anne Chopinet, the first woman to carry the flag of the École Polytechnique during the parade on the Champs Elysées. This marked a milestone as the first class to include women in the prestigious institution. President von der Leyen commended Chopinet’s subsequent successful career, while raising five children, as a testament to determination and achievement.

President von der Leyen then shifted the focus to the present, acknowledging that, just like in 1789, Europe is going through turbulent times. However, instead of a forward-looking revolution, it is facing a regressive invasion seeking to stifle the future: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. She emphasized that Ukraine has clearly chosen Europe and its values, which align with France’s motto of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”

The President emphasized that the EU’s support for Ukraine represents a commitment to these shared values. It is a demonstration of the Ukrainian people’s thirst for freedom, their belief in their equality with other Europeans, and their courageous resistance against the invader. President von der Leyen declared that the EU’s support for Ukraine and its people is unwavering and reflects the honor and spirit of the democratic identity celebrated on the French National Day.

In conclusion, President von der Leyen extended her congratulations to the French people on their national day and reiterated her commitment to both France and Europe.

The President’s speech at the French National Day reception highlighted the EU’s solidarity with Ukraine and the importance of upholding democratic values in the face of adversity.



