In 2022, expenditures on domestic research and development (R&D) in Sweden amounted to SEK 202.8 billion. This represents an increase of approximately SEK 16.2 billion compared to 2021 in current prices. When adjusted for inflation at 2022 price levels, the increase amounts to around SEK 5.6 billion.
Expenditures on domestic R&D have increased in all sectors compared to 2021 in current prices. In relative terms, the increase was smallest in the public sector at 4.0 percent, followed by the university and college sector, which increased by 4.2 percent, and the private nonprofit sector with a 5.6 percent increase. The business sector showed the strongest development, with expenditures on domestic R&D increasing by 10.4 percent between 2021 and 2022.
Sweden’s R&D intensity remained unchanged between 2021 and 2022, at 3.40 percent of GDP. Over a ten-year period, R&D intensity has only been higher in 2020. For much of the past decade, GDP growth has been weaker than the growth in R&D expenditures, leading to an increase in R&D intensity by 0.14 percentage points since 2013.
Publication More information about research and development (R&D) in Sweden in 2022 is presented in the report “Research and Development in Sweden 2022 – Preliminary Statistics.” The report also includes statistics on personnel in R&D activities broken down by sector.
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to attribute the source: Statistics Sweden (SCB).