UK Economic Activity and Social Change: Real-Time Indicators – 20 July 2023

Early experimental data on the UK economy and society has been released, presenting faster indicators created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources, and experimental methods. The data provides insights into the current state of various sectors in the UK. Here are the main points from the latest release:

  1. Business and Workforce:
  • In June 2023, a net 2% of firms reported decreased turnover on the previous month after seasonal adjustment. This decline was driven by a worsening picture in the services sector in June.
  • The aggregate CHAPS-based indicator of credit and debit card purchases decreased by 8 percentage points, reflecting reduced consumer spending. However, Revolut card spending increased by 2 percentage points.
  • Online job adverts on 14 July 2023 were 6% below the level seen in the equivalent period of 2022, but there was a 1% increase from the previous week.
  1. Consumer Behaviour:
  • The System Average Price (SAP) of gas and System Price of electricity fell when compared with the previous week. Both prices are around 70% lower than the equivalent week of 2022.
  • The average number of daily UK flights in the latest week was 6,160, the highest number since mid-October 2019, and 7% higher than the level seen in the equivalent week of 2022.

These results are experimental and subject to revision. Data sources used for compiling the indicators are regularly reviewed to ensure they remain relevant and representative.

For more detailed data and methodology, refer to the official statistical bulletin. The next release is scheduled for 27 July 2023.



