UK Manufacturers’ Sales by Product: 2022 Results Show Resilience with £429.8 Billion in Sales

The latest data on UK manufacturers’ sales by product for the year 2022 has been released, and it reveals encouraging growth in the industry. The total value of UK manufacturers’ product sales in 2022 was recorded at £429.8 billion, a substantial increase of £28.4 billion or 7% from the previous year, which saw sales at £401.5 billion.

Among the various divisions, the manufacture of food retained its dominant position, constituting 21% of the total manufacturers’ sales in 2022. Notably, this division experienced the largest value increase, rising by an impressive £8.4 billion or 11% in 2022, reaching a total of £88.4 billion.

Some other sectors also witnessed significant growth in sales. The manufacture of basic metals saw a noteworthy increase of 17%, amounting to £7.1 billion. Similarly, the manufacture of wearing apparel demonstrated a substantial boost of 15% in sales, amounting to £1.4 billion.

Interestingly, specific products experienced a remarkable surge in sales during 2022. One such product was parts for all types of aircraft used for civil purposes. After facing a decline in sales during the peak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, this product category saw a remarkable resurgence, with sales increasing by £1.4 billion or 27%, totaling £6.7 billion. Additionally, whisky sales also soared, experiencing an impressive uplift of £1.0 billion or 25% to reach a total of £5.1 billion.

Other products that experienced notable growth include wheat flour, with sales amounting to £1.6 billion and showing an increase of £0.4 billion or 32%. Waters with added sugars (soft drinks) also saw a considerable rise, with sales increasing by £0.6 billion or 12%, amounting to £5.4 billion.

However, the industry also faced some challenges. Factors such as high energy costs and the impact of the rising cost of living were reported to have contributed to declining production or sales in certain sectors. For example, beer sales witnessed a decline of £0.5 billion or 13%, reaching £3.3 billion. Similarly, paints and varnishes (acrylic or vinyl) experienced a decrease in sales by £0.4 billion or 28%, amounting to £0.9 billion.

Overall, the UK manufacturing sector demonstrated resilience and growth in 2022, overcoming the hurdles posed by the pandemic and other economic factors. The positive trajectory indicates a promising outlook for the industry in the coming years.



