A Strong Growth in Hotel Tourism in Spain during June 2023

Spain’s hotel industry experienced a significant surge in June 2023 as per the latest report on the Hotel Tourism Situation (CTH). Pernoctaciones, which refers to overnight stays in hotel establishments, increased by 3.3% compared to the same month in 2022. Moreover, hotels achieved an average billing of €112.52 per occupied room, demonstrating a remarkable growth rate of 6.7% compared to the previous year.

Key figures from the June 2023 report indicate positive trends in the sector:

  1. Pernoctaciones: The total number of overnight stays in hotels reached an impressive 36,258,333, registering a 3.27% increase compared to June 2022.
  2. Estancia media (número de días): The average length of stay per guest slightly decreased by 1.37%, amounting to 3.15 days.
  3. Grado de ocupación por plaza (porcentaje): The occupancy rate per room rose by 1.29 percentage points, reaching 63.38%.
  4. Tarifa media por habitación ocupada (euros): The average rate per occupied room surged by 6.67%, hitting a notable €112.52.
  5. Precios hoteleros (índice): Hotel prices, measured by the hotel price index, showed a significant increase of 7.99% compared to the previous year.

These positive indicators are indicative of the recovery and strength of Spain’s hotel and tourism industry amid the post-pandemic period. The rise in hotel stays and room rates showcases the resilience of the sector despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The increase in foreign and domestic tourism during June 2023 has contributed significantly to these positive figures, reflecting the country’s appeal as a preferred destination for travelers. As vaccination rates increase and travel restrictions ease, the Spanish hotel industry is poised to witness further growth and economic recovery in the coming months.




