State Councilor Chen Yiqin Calls for High-Quality Development of Tourism Industry, Emphasizes Enhancing Tourism Products and Services

State Councilor Chen Yiqin presided over a symposium with experts and business leaders on July 25th to implement the directives of the Central Political Bureau meeting and seek opinions and suggestions to further tap the potential of tourism consumption and promote the high-quality development of the tourism industry.

After carefully listening to the participants’ speeches, Chen Yiqin pointed out that since the beginning of this year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China’s national economy has continuously recovered and improved, and overall economic indicators have shown positive signs. The demand for tourism among the masses is strong. She emphasized the need to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important statements and instructions on cultural and tourism work, adhere to the general work guideline of seeking progress while maintaining stability, take advantage of the current momentum to promote tourism consumption, and drive the tourism industry to achieve qualitative and effective growth and reasonable expansion, thereby improving the quality of people’s lives.

Chen Yiqin emphasized the need to adapt to the increasingly diversified and personalized tourism demands of the people, focus on promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism, and enhance the quality of tourism products and services. Continued efforts should be made to help tourism enterprises overcome difficulties, promote innovation, and stimulate development vitality. Strengthening the regulation of the tourism market and enhancing tourism safety measures are essential to ensure that people can travel with ease and peace of mind. It is also important to improve the policy system, boost confidence in tourism investment and consumption, and accelerate the formation of a powerful driving force for the high-quality development of the tourism industry.



