Finnish Population Continues to Grow in 2023 – Latest Preliminary Data by Region, Month, Age, Information, and Gender

According to the latest preliminary data on population structure, Finland’s population is steadily increasing in the year 2023. The statistics, categorized by region, month, age, information, and gender, provide valuable insights into the country’s demographic trends.

Summary of the Population Data:

Total Population:

  • As of March 2023, Finland’s total population reached 5,570,067 individuals.
  • By April 2023, the total population increased to 5,572,789.
  • In May 2023, the population further grew to 5,575,757.
  • As of June 2023, Finland’s total population stood at 5,578,082.

Gender Distribution:

  • Among the total population, the number of men was 2,756,966 in March 2023, 2,758,151 in April 2023, 2,759,613 in May 2023, and 2,760,808 in June 2023.
  • The number of women in the country during the same months was 2,813,101, 2,814,638, 2,816,144, and 2,817,274, respectively.

Age-wise Distribution:

The data includes detailed information on the population’s age distribution, providing valuable insights into different age groups’ growth and changes in the country.

The continuous growth in Finland’s population showcases the nation’s resilience and attractiveness as a place to live, work, and thrive. These preliminary statistics offer a glimpse into the nation’s changing demographic landscape and will serve as a basis for further analysis and policy-making.

It’s important to note that the data is subject to final confirmation and possible adjustments as additional information becomes available. The official population figures are expected to be released in the coming months, providing a comprehensive overview of Finland’s population dynamics in 2023.



