French Government Adopts Decrees to Strengthen Governance and Accelerate Reconstruction After Urban Violence

The French Council of Ministers on July 26, 2023, adopted several decrees and ordinances aimed at strengthening the government’s governance and accelerating reconstruction after the urban violence that occurred from June 27 to July 5, 2023.

Decrees – Ministerial Assignments: The Prime Minister presented the decrees defining the specific assignments of each member of the Government, following the composition of the Government on July 20, 2023. With the adoption of these decrees, the Government now has a functional structure and can mobilize all the resources of central and decentralized administrations to develop and implement the reforms expected by the French citizens.

Ordinances – Acceleration of Reconstruction after Urban Violence: Following the urban violence that erupted between June 27 and July 5, 2023, public facilities and buildings were severely damaged or destroyed. To accelerate the reconstruction and refurbishment of these essential infrastructures, the Council of Ministers adopted ordinances. These emergency measures will be implemented under Article 137 of the law of August 22, 2021, on the fight against climate change and the strengthening of resilience to its effects, as well as Article 128 of the law of December 30, 2021, on the budget for 2022.

Communication – One Year Before the Olympic and Paralympic Games: The Council of Ministers also discussed the approach of the first anniversary of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games in France. Additional plans and preparations for this major international event were discussed to ensure its success and safety.

These measures taken during the Council of Ministers reflect the French Government’s commitment to strengthen government management, restore stability, and support reconstruction after the recent events of urban violence. They also aim to prepare the country for hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which promise to be a memorable moment for France and the entire world.



