China’s Super Cities Focus on Urban Village Renovation: Vice Premier He Lifeng Addresses Teleconference

A teleconference was held in Beijing to discuss the active and steady progress of urban village renovation in China’s super large and mega cities. Vice Premier of the State Council, He Lifeng, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

He Lifeng pointed out that the active and steady progress of urban village renovation in super large and mega cities is a significant and far-reaching work deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, considering the overall strategy of Chinese-style modernization. Advancing the renovation of urban villages will help address the shortcomings in urban construction and governance, improve living conditions for urban and rural residents, stimulate domestic demand, and optimize the real estate structure. However, at the current stage, urban village renovation faces significant challenges, multiple contradictions, and complex situations. It is crucial to adhere to problem-oriented and goal-oriented approaches, find new solutions to issues such as how to allocate funds, how to utilize resources, how to handle land acquisition, and how to resettle people and industries during the renovation process. This will lead to a new path for urban village renovation under the new circumstances.

He Lifeng emphasized that urban village renovation is a complex and arduous systematic project, which requires different approaches based on specific conditions, including demolition and reconstruction, improvement and upgrading, and a combination of demolition and improvement. It is necessary to coordinate renovation funds and planning indicators at the city level and manage regional land resources effectively to achieve overall and dynamic balance of funds. The policy of net land transfer must be implemented. Market-oriented approaches should be the mainstay, with multiple business formats employed for development and operation. Supporting public infrastructure should be well-established, and historical and cultural heritage protection should be given attention. Relevant departments should promptly improve the policy system, while city governments should assume their main responsibilities, strengthen leadership, establish sound work mechanisms, and ensure effective progress in urban village renovation.



