Cost of Living and NHS Remain Top Concerns in Great Britain, Survey Shows

The latest Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) conducted between July 12 and July 23, 2023, sheds light on the prevailing public opinions and social trends in Great Britain. The survey reveals that the most pressing issues facing the UK today, according to respondents, are the cost of living, the NHS, the economy, climate change and the environment, and housing.

An overwhelming 92% of adults in Great Britain cited the cost of living as a major concern, reflecting the ongoing challenges faced by households amidst economic fluctuations. The state of the National Health Service (NHS) closely followed, with 85% of respondents expressing concern, underscoring the significance of healthcare services in public discourse.

Of those currently paying rent or a mortgage, 45% reported that their payments had increased in the past six months. Additionally, 40% of individuals in this group found it somewhat or very difficult to afford these payments, marking an increase from the previous year’s figures.

The survey also assessed the impact of rising living costs on people’s daily lives. Approximately 59% of adults reported experiencing an increase in their cost of living compared to the previous month. However, this proportion has gradually decreased since early April 2023 when it stood at 76%.

In response to the cost of living challenges, individuals have adopted various coping strategies. Two-thirds (67%) of respondents mentioned spending less on non-essential items, while over half (53%) were actively shopping around for better deals. Additionally, 46% of participants reported using less fuel, such as gas or electricity, in their homes to manage their expenses.

Access to healthcare services also emerged as a concern, with around 39% of individuals who attempted to make an appointment with a GP practice in the last month finding it difficult. However, 44% of respondents found the process easy or very easy.



