United Kingdom to Accept CE Marking Indefinitely

The United Kingdom had previously announced that the UKCA marking (UK Conformity Assessed) would be the new product marking for conformity applicable to all goods that were previously subject to CE marking (Conformité Européenne) and intended for export to the United Kingdom, following its departure from the European Union (EU). Now, British authorities have extended the deadline for the transition to UKCA marking indefinitely.

To allow businesses sufficient time to adapt and to avoid uncertainty associated with a fixed transition date, it will be possible to use CE marking (without UKCA marking) indefinitely in cases where the EU and the UK have the same requirements. This was announced in a press release from the British government.

UKCA marking applies to England, Wales, and Scotland, but not to Northern Ireland. For goods exported to Northern Ireland, the UK(NI) marking must be used alongside the CE marking to demonstrate compliance with applicable rules.

If you wish to use UKCA marking, the British government has provided a step-by-step guide that can be accessed on their website.

The extended transition period gives businesses and exporters the opportunity to adjust to the new rules and marking requirements while ensuring continued harmonization with European standards where relevant.




