Extreme Weather “Hans”: Preparedness is High, says Mehl

Significant amounts of extreme rainfall are expected in parts of Southern Norway. Monday afternoon, Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness, Emilie Enger Mehl, met with the county emergency preparedness council and municipalities in Innlandet to discuss preparedness.

“The Civil Defense is on high alert, with materials and equipment ready. The feedback indicates that the preparedness is in place,” says Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness, Emilie Enger Mehl (Center Party).

The Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness is closely monitoring the development of the extreme weather “Hans” and maintains close contact with the entities managing the situation, including the Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, which in turn is in close contact with the county governors.

“A highly important job is now being carried out in the affected municipalities, by volunteer organizations, emergency services, civil defense districts, and the county governor. I would like to extend a big thank you to all those who are working tirelessly to protect us from the weather. You are doing invaluable work,” Mehl states.

Monday afternoon, the police issued local/regional emergency alerts in Norwegian, English, and German on behalf of the county governor.

“I urge people to keep an eye on the weather forecast for their area and to follow the information in the emergency alerts. Each individual can contribute to good personal preparedness by staying updated and making necessary preparations or actions,” says Mehl.

The Civil Defense is a crucial resource that municipalities can utilize during natural disasters.

“It has been important for the government to prioritize the Civil Defense in the budgets since our assumption of office, including addressing the backlog of outdated equipment and training. The government has also allocated more funds for the operation of Nødnett terminals for volunteers,” Mehl explains.




