Finnish Agricultural Prices Witness Fluctuations in Q1-Q2 2023

The Maatalouden tuottajahintaindeksi, the Agricultural Producer Price Index, has unveiled significant developments in Finland’s agricultural landscape for the first half of 2023.

March 2023: In this period, the index showed that grains, encompassing seeds, reached a level of 180.7 (2015=100), while livestock, including cattle and poultry, ranged from 143.9 to 158.7 (2015=100).

April 2023: The following month, grain prices saw a decline to 173.7 (2015=100). Additionally, the index for rapeseed and oil-bearing fruits dropped to 140.0 (2015=100), while fresh vegetables experienced a decrease, falling to 134.0 (2015=100). The milk index also recorded a dip to 148.2 (2015=100).

May 2023: In May, the grain index decreased further to 164.4 (2015=100), and the index for sheep and goats surged to 158.7 (2015=100).

June 2023: June witnessed a decline in the grain index to 159.8 (2015=100). Moreover, the index for rapeseed and oil-bearing fruits also fell, reaching 141.9 (2015=100). However, the index for fresh vegetables rebounded to 132.4 (2015=100), and the sheep and goats index increased to 146.3 (2015=100).



