Enhancing Health and Agricultural Recovery in Disaster Areas: Ensuring Post-Disaster Health and Abundant Crop Harvest

Liu Guozhong, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, conducted research in Hebei and Beijing to evaluate the progress of health and epidemic prevention efforts, as well as the restoration of agricultural production in disaster-stricken regions. Emphasizing the importance of adhering to the directives provided by General Secretary Xi Jinping regarding flood control and disaster relief, Liu underscored the significance of effective measures to ensure robust health and epidemic prevention strategies and the revival of agricultural production in these areas. This approach aims to minimize the adverse impact of disasters on public health and agricultural production, safeguarding against major epidemics following significant natural catastrophes while maintaining a successful annual harvest.

During his visit, Liu inspected the East Dian Detention Reservoir Area and affected villages, thoroughly examining the utilization of the reservoir area, crop damage, and agricultural disaster prevention measures. He observed the growth of corn crops on-site. Liu pointed out that as the key period for autumn grain production approaches, prioritizing post-disaster agricultural recovery is of utmost importance and urgency. He stressed the swift organization and mobilization of farmers to engage in tailored crop production recovery measures. For crops with mild damage, timely fertilization and reinforcement are essential; areas still inundated require prompt drainage and de-silting; for crops severely impacted by the disaster, expedited reseeding and replacement must take place to minimize losses. Additionally, Liu urged maximum efforts to increase production in unaffected areas. Liu highlighted the importance of repairing damaged agricultural production facilities, ensuring adequate agricultural supplies and organized machinery deployment to meet the needs of agricultural recovery. He also emphasized the necessity of the safe and environmentally-friendly disposal of deceased livestock and poultry to prevent disease transmission and environmental pollution.

Furthermore, Liu expressed the need to fulfill responsibilities, implement measures rigorously, strengthen monitoring and assistance for households returning to poverty due to disasters, and ensure no large-scale poverty resurgence. He called for increased support from relevant departments to promptly allocate agricultural disaster relief funds, provide strong credit and insurance claim services, and aid disaster-affected regions in accelerating agricultural recovery.

During his research, Liu also inspected newly established post-disaster drinking water supply facilities, village clinics, and environmental sanitation and disinfection efforts. He visited displaced individuals at resettlement points, gaining insights into the implementation of health and epidemic prevention measures and the availability of various medical supplies. He stressed that considering the high-temperature season, health and epidemic prevention should be regarded as crucial tasks alongside flood control and disaster relief, ensuring public health. Liu emphasized widespread public education on health and epidemic prevention, enhanced disease monitoring and early warning systems, and the prevention of outbreaks of infectious diseases, including those transmitted through the digestive, respiratory, and vector-borne pathways. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of proactive prevention, expanding the Patriotic Health Campaign, strengthening environmental sanitation management, and deepening disinfection efforts. Strict supervision over drinking water and food hygiene was urged to guarantee the safety of the public’s food and water supply. Finally, Liu urged healthcare professionals to provide medical services at resettlement points, ensuring proper medical treatment and pharmaceutical supplies for the affected population.




