Vice Premier Liu Guozhong Emphasizes Strengthening Agricultural Disaster Resilience and Health Epidemic Preparedness in Heilongjiang

Liu Guozhong, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, conducted a research visit to Heilongjiang Province from August 13 to 14 to examine agricultural disaster resilience, autumn grain production, and health epidemic preparedness. He highlighted the need to implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s significant instructions on flood control and disaster relief, fulfill the requirements set by the State Council’s executive meeting, strengthen responsibility implementation, and ensure effective agricultural disaster relief, health epidemic prevention, comprehensive autumn grain production, and the secure continuation of poverty alleviation efforts.

Liu Guozhong visited severely affected areas in Wuchang and Shangzhi cities to survey the agricultural disaster relief and recovery process, as well as the damage to water facilities. He emphasized that effective agricultural disaster relief and production restoration are critical components of current “rural vitalization” efforts. He urged swift drainage of flooded fields, the involvement of experts in field guidance, and scientific guidance for farmers to self-rescue through production. He emphasized the importance of minimizing disaster-related losses. Liu called for the rapid repair of damaged agricultural fields, water facilities, and other infrastructure to ensure the rapid recovery of agricultural production. Furthermore, he stressed the timely allocation of agricultural disaster relief funds, efficient insurance claims processing, optimization of credit services, and targeted assistance and support for new business entities and ordinary farmers. It’s imperative to implement various support measures for poverty-stricken populations affected by the disaster, firmly holding the line against the resurgence of large-scale poverty.

Liu Guozhong visited farmlands and agricultural technology parks in Suifenhe, a major agricultural region. He inspected the growth of corn, soybeans, and rice, as well as the progress of variety breeding, black soil protection, and high-yield farming methods. He mentioned that areas not affected by disasters are witnessing favorable autumn grain growth. Liu encouraged continuous efforts to enhance the single-crop yield of major grain and oil crops, ensuring effective implementation of measures to stabilize and increase production. He highlighted the importance of disease and pest prevention, water and drought disaster defense, and transforming the favorable autumn grain growth into tangible harvest results.

Liu Guozhong visited temporary medical points in disaster-affected villages, extending sympathy to affected farmers and understanding the situation regarding water safety, medical care, and medicine. He expressed concern about the risk of infectious diseases due to contaminated water in inundated villages. He called for intensified health epidemic education, management of high-risk populations’ health, rigorous monitoring of drinking water quality and food hygiene, safe disposal of livestock and poultry carcasses, and the resolute elimination of disaster-induced epidemic risks.



