Sweeden’s Aid for Global Health and SRHR Yields Results

Today, Thursday, August 17, the annual report on Sweden’s comprehensive assistance in health and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is released. Sweden is a leading player in global health and contributed six billion kronor in health assistance in 2022. Access to vaccines and basic healthcare, SRHR, and the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are important focal areas.

“I am proud of Sweden’s literally vital work in global health. Protecting and promoting people’s health is also an important investment that contributes to economic development and a safer and healthier world. The government will continue to prioritize global health and SRHR, both through aid and by being a strong international voice,” says Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, Johan Forssell.

The Health Assistance Report has been published annually since 2012 and is based on the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency’s aid statistics. The report shows that in 2022, Sweden contributed to training nurses and midwives, vaccinating children against measles and other deadly diseases, as well as preventing unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. Through support to civil society organizations, Sweden has also contributed to legal and policy changes that defend SRHR and prohibit practices such as female genital mutilation.




