Suomen Akatemia and Ministry for Foreign Affairs Grant Nearly Six Million Euros for Development Research

The Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland) and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs have provided funding for nine research projects through the Development Research Academy Program, DEVELOP2 call. This program supports multidisciplinary and problem-oriented research that describes and interprets dimensions of development, aids in understanding barriers to development, and seeks ways to overcome these obstacles.

The practical aim of the academy program is to produce information for problem-solving in areas such as health, natural resources, economy, and education. Additionally, development research requires knowledge about the functioning of international, national, and cultural systems, along with their limitations and opportunities.

The nine funded research projects consist of a total of 11 research groups. Out of these projects, Suomen Akatemia is funding five and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is funding four. The projects are set to commence in early September 2023. The DEVELOP2 academy program is a continuation of the previous DEVELOP academy program that operated from 2018 to 2023.

In the five research projects funded by Suomen Akatemia, sustainable use of plants is being investigated to combat infectious diseases, intergenerational cycles of health and development for vulnerable newborns, emerging infectious diseases in the changing environment of East Africa, sustainable use of edible insects to enhance food security in East Africa, and pathways to women’s participation in Nepal’s evolving music culture.

The four projects funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs focus on studying the dynamics of society and nature through ecological restoration involving tree planting, integration of energy and water models for assessing benefits in bordering waters, treatment of sexual minorities, and solutions to indoor air problems caused by stoves.



