Decline in Freight Transport by Rail in Finland: 22% Decrease in 2022

The latest statistics from the Finnish Transport Agency reveal a notable decline in freight transportation by rail in the year 2022. The data indicates a 22% decrease in the amount of freight transported via the country’s railways compared to the previous year.

According to the Finnish Transport Agency’s Rail Transport Statistics for 2022, the total number of passenger journeys on the country’s railways was 76 million, reflecting a significant 38% increase from the previous year. On the other hand, the amount of cargo transported by rail witnessed a decline of 22% compared to the figures of 2021.

Key Highlights of the Report:

  1. Passenger Journeys: In 2022, a total of 76 million passenger journeys were recorded on Finland’s railways. This represents a remarkable surge of 38% compared to 2021.
  2. Cargo Transport: A total of 31.2 million tonnes of goods were transported on the railways in 2022. However, this marked a 22% decrease from the cargo volume in the previous year.
  3. Freight Performance: The overall freight performance of rail transportation stood at 8.8 billion tonne-kilometres, which represents an 18% reduction compared to 2021.
  4. Rail Accidents: The report also provides insights into rail accidents. In 2022, there were 16 incidents classified as significant accidents, indicating a decrease of 9 compared to the previous year. These accidents led to the unfortunate loss of 4 lives and serious injuries to 7 individuals.

The statistics point to a changing landscape in Finland’s rail sector, with a significant decrease in freight transportation and a substantial rise in passenger journeys. The Finnish Transport Agency’s Rail Transport Statistics for 2022 provide crucial insights into the dynamics of the country’s rail network and its implications for the transportation sector.



