Shifts in the Mindset of Korean Youth Revealed by Social Surveys

A recent social survey has unveiled significant shifts in the mindset of Korean youth, offering insights into their perspectives on various aspects of life.

1. Family

  • Marriage: The proportion of young adults with a positive outlook on marriage has decreased over the past decade. In ’22, 1 in 3 young adults held a positive view towards marriage, a decline from a decade ago.
  • Cohabitation: The percentage of young adults who believe in cohabitation without marriage has steadily increased. In ’22, 8 out of 10 young adults were in favor of cohabitation even if they didn’t get married.
  • Parenthood: Over half of the young adults in ’22 believed that they don’t need to have children even if they get married, supporting the trend of increasing acceptance of non-marital childbearing.
  • Family Relationship Satisfaction: Approximately 7 out of 10 young adults in ’22 expressed satisfaction with their overall family relationships. The belief that having a satisfying family relationship contributes to having children after marriage was also prevalent.
  • Adoption: The percentage of young adults who indicated a willingness to adopt has decreased over the past decade. In ’22, 1 in 3 young adults expressed a willingness to adopt.
  • Household Chores: While the perception of equal distribution of household chores between spouses has increased, there is a disparity between perception and reality.
  • Divorce and Remarriage: The proportion of young adults who believe that divorce is a viable option if there are reasons for it has steadily risen. Conversely, the belief in the necessity of remarriage has decreased over time.
  • Parental Support: In ’22, 6 out of 10 young adults believed that the responsibility for supporting their parents’ retirement should be shared by family, government, and society, marking an increase from a decade ago.

2. Labor

  • Occupational Criteria: In ’21, income, stability, and personal suitability and interest were the most important factors for young adults in choosing a career. However, among those aged 19 to 24, income, personal suitability and interest, and stability were considered more important.
  • Preferred Employers: Over the past decade, the preference for employers among young adults shifted. In ’21, the preferred sequence was national institutions, large corporations, and government institutions. However, in ’21, the sequence became government institutions, national institutions, and large corporations.
  • Female Employment: In ’21, the most significant obstacles to female employment, as perceived by young adults, were the burden of childcare (46.3%), societal biases (18.5%), and unequal working conditions (13.8%).
  • Work-Life Balance: The proportion of young adults who believe that work-life balance is the most important factor has consistently increased. In ’21, 1 in 2 young adults considered work-life balance as the top priority.

3. Education and Health

  • Educational Opportunities: The percentage of young adults who reported receiving education up to their desired level has steadily increased. In ’22, 8 out of 10 young adults felt that their educational opportunities were fulfilled.
  • Health Assessment: The perception of good health has increased over time. In ’22, 7 out of 10 young adults considered their health to be in good condition.
  • Stress: The percentage of young adults who reported feeling stressed in their daily life, family life, and work has consistently decreased over the past decade.

The findings from this comprehensive social survey provide valuable insights into the evolving perspectives of Korean youth on matters related to family, labor, education, and health.,204,205,206,207,210,211,11109,11113,11814,213,215,214,11860,11695,216,218,219,220,10820,11815,11895,11816,208,245,222,223,225,226,227,228,229,230,11321,232,233,234,12029,10920,11469,11470,11817,236,237,11471,238,240,241,11865,243,244,11893,11898,12031,11825,246



