Public Concerns and Financial Strains Persist in the UK: Insights from the Latest Survey

The most recent survey conducted in Great Britain, covering the period from August 9 to 20, 2023, offers valuable insights into the prevailing public opinions and social trends within the country. Here are the key findings:

  • Top Concerns: Respondents were asked to identify the most significant issues currently facing the UK. The cost of living emerged as the foremost concern, with a striking 91% of adults acknowledging its impact. Following closely were concerns about the National Health Service (NHS) at 86%, the economy at 74%, climate change and the environment at 67%, and housing at 60%.
  • Rising Cost of Living: Over half (53%) of the surveyed adults noted that their cost of living had risen in comparison to the previous month. In contrast, 45% reported no change, and only 2% indicated a decrease. To cope with this increase, 62% stated that they were reducing their spending on non-essentials, 51% were actively seeking better deals, and 44% were conserving resources like fuel (gas or electricity) at home.
  • Escalating Food Costs: In terms of food shopping experiences, 51% of respondents stated that they had to spend more than usual to purchase their regular items. This marked an increase from the 43% recorded in the previous survey period (July 26 to August 6, 2023).
  • Housing Expenses: For those currently paying rent or a mortgage, 46% indicated that their payments had increased over the last 6 months.
  • Affordability Challenges: Among individuals currently meeting rent or mortgage payments, 36% expressed difficulty in affording these financial commitments. This figure demonstrates an increase from 29% observed in the same period in the previous year, August 2022.

The survey offers a snapshot of the prevalent concerns and financial constraints faced by the population of Great Britain. As issues like the cost of living, housing expenses, and financial difficulties continue to feature prominently, policymakers and stakeholders are presented with a clear picture of the challenges that many in the country are grappling with.



