Belgium’s MFI Interest Rates Update: Changes in Interest Rates on Deposits and Loans

Belgium’s financial landscape continues to evolve, reflecting global economic trends and domestic policies. The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) has released the latest data on interest rates, providing insight into the country’s economic dynamics. Here’s a summary of the recent changes:

Deposits from Households: In June 2023, overnight deposit rates for households remained stable at 0.07%, maintaining a consistent trend. However, longer-term deposits have seen a slight increase. Deposits with a maturity of up to 1 year rose to 3.02%, indicating a growing interest in longer investment horizons.

Deposits from Non-Financial Corporations: Deposits from non-financial corporations have followed a similar trajectory. While short-term deposits show little change, those with a maturity of up to 1 year experienced a significant increase, reaching 3.02% in June 2023. This could signal a shift in corporate strategies towards longer-term financial planning.

Loans to Households: Interest rates on loans to households have seen variations in recent months. Loans for consumption, house purchases, and other purposes have exhibited modest fluctuations, reflecting a finely balanced lending landscape. Rates for different maturities and purposes continue to align with the prevailing economic conditions.

Loans to Non-Financial Corporations: The interest rates on loans extended to non-financial corporations have shown a consistent upward trend. Advances on current accounts, other loans with various maturities, and different purposes have all experienced gradual increases. This indicates that businesses are facing slightly higher borrowing costs as they seek capital for expansion and operations.

Outstanding Amounts: When looking at outstanding amounts of deposits and loans, there’s a clear progression of rising interest rates. Deposits from households and non-financial corporations, with maturities of up to 2 years, have witnessed a steady climb, reaching 2.82% and 3.02% respectively by June 2023. This suggests a growing demand for longer-term savings instruments.

Long-Term Yield Rates: On the Belgian secondary market for bonds issued by the public sector, long-term yield rates have shown a consistent pattern. In June 2023, gross interest rates for the 10-year benchmark bond stood at 3.05%, indicating continued stability in the bond market.

International Comparison: When compared to other major economies, Belgium’s interest rates remain competitive. The official interest rates or intervention rates of foreign central banks have experienced adjustments in response to changing economic circumstances. However, Belgium’s rates are generally aligned with those of other countries.

As Belgium’s financial landscape adapts to the evolving economic environment, these interest rate developments provide valuable insights for both investors and economic analysts. The NBB’s commitment to transparency and data-driven analysis continues to facilitate a deeper understanding of the country’s financial dynamics.

For more detailed data, please visit the National Bank of Belgium’s website:



