New Zealand Takes First Step Towards Establishing Lead Operational Cyber Security Agency

In a significant move towards bolstering its cybersecurity efforts, New Zealand has initiated the formation of a lead operational cyber security agency. CERT NZ, the country’s Computer Emergency Response Team, has officially joined forces with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) in this pioneering step.

Lisa Fong, Head of the NCSC, emphasized that this transition is designed to ensure minimal disruption to customers. It essentially involves transferring CERT NZ’s operations and personnel from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to the NCSC.

This structural shift mirrors the operational model of leading cyber security agencies in countries such as Australia, the UK, and Canada. These agencies function as single entities responsible for a wide spectrum of cybersecurity tasks and customer services.

Ms. Fong noted that the next phase will involve developing an integrated operating model that leverages the enhanced scale and capabilities of the combined agency to create a more robust cyber security system and elevate customer service standards for New Zealanders.

During this transitional period, both CERT NZ and NCSC will continue to fulfill their existing functions. However, as integration progresses, there will be an increasing emphasis on collaboration, ultimately leading to a unified operational agency.

Rob Pope, Director of CERT NZ, affirmed the commitment to ongoing delivery of services and products to the people of New Zealand. He expressed enthusiasm about offering an integrated range of cybersecurity solutions.

This initiative presents an exciting opportunity for New Zealand to address emerging cybersecurity challenges more effectively. Updates on progress will be provided as the work unfolds.

For further details regarding the establishment of a lead operational cyber security agency, refer to the official New Zealand Government website’s media release.


  • CERT NZ was founded in 2017 as a public-facing cyber security agency serving government entities and a broad spectrum of businesses, organizations, and individuals affected by cyber security incidents. CERT NZ provides information, advice, threat landscape profiling, and incident response support. Visit for additional information.
  • The NCSC operates under the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and provides various cyber security services, including preventive guidance, threat detection and disruption services for nationally significant organizations, classified information protection, and support for regulatory decisions across multiple sectors. The NCSC also hosts the Government Chief Information Security Officer (GCISO) function.



