IMF Reveals Analysis of Cross-Border Threats and Vulnerabilities in Money Laundering in the Nordics-Baltic Region

The eight countries within the Nordic-Baltic constituency of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) initiated a comprehensive assessment in 2021 to have the IMF conduct a regional analysis of cross-border threats and vulnerabilities in the realm of money laundering. This assessment also explores how financial integrity shocks can impact financial stability. The project has been completed, and the findings are detailed in a regional report now available on the IMF’s website.

The analysis carried out by the IMF sheds light on the intricate dynamics of money laundering and the potential risks it poses across borders in the Nordic-Baltic region. Additionally, it delves into the ways in which financial integrity shocks can have far-reaching consequences for the stability of financial systems.

The eight nations involved in this initiative – Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden – have worked in collaboration with the IMF to better understand and address these critical issues. This cooperative effort underscores their commitment to safeguarding the financial integrity and stability of their respective regions.

The regional report is a valuable resource for policymakers, financial institutions, and regulatory bodies. It provides insights into the evolving landscape of money laundering threats and vulnerabilities, equipping stakeholders with essential knowledge to develop effective strategies for countering financial crimes and maintaining robust financial systems.

The release of this report marks a significant milestone in the collective efforts to combat money laundering and protect the financial interests of the Nordic-Baltic nations. It reflects their dedication to maintaining the highest standards of financial integrity and resilience.

For the full report, interested parties can access it on the IMF’s official website, where a detailed account of the findings and recommendations is available.

About the IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization founded to promote global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. The IMF provides financial assistance, policy advice, and technical assistance to its member countries to help them achieve these critical objectives.



