Australia’s Private Capital Expenditure Shows Encouraging Growth in June 2023

Australia’s private capital expenditure demonstrated positive signs of growth in the June 2023 quarter, according to the latest data released today.

Key Statistics:

  • Total new capital expenditure increased by 2.8%.
  • Buildings and structures investment rose by 3.5%.
  • Investment in equipment, plant, and machinery grew by 1.9%.

Future Outlook:

The outlook for the 2023-24 financial year appears promising, with an estimated expenditure of $157.8 billion. This represents a substantial 14.5% increase compared to the previous estimate for the same period, which was $138 billion.

Detailed Analysis:

Total New Capital Expenditure: In seasonally adjusted volume terms, total new capital expenditure witnessed a 2.8% increase. The trend estimate for total new capital expenditure showed a similar positive trend, rising by 3.0%. This indicates a healthy growth trajectory in capital investment.

Buildings and Structures: Investment in buildings and structures experienced robust growth, with a 3.5% increase in the seasonally adjusted estimate and a 3.2% increase in the trend estimate. This suggests ongoing investment in construction and infrastructure development.

Equipment, Plant, and Machinery: Investment in equipment, plant, and machinery also showed resilience, with a 1.9% increase in the seasonally adjusted estimate and a 2.6% increase in the trend estimate. This reflects sustained investment in industrial and technological assets.

Sectoral Analysis:

Mining and Non-Mining Sectors: In the mining sector, there was a 0.9% rise in the seasonally adjusted estimate, indicating continued investment in the resource industry. In contrast, the non-mining sector experienced a 3.5% increase in the seasonally adjusted estimate, showcasing diversification in Australia’s economy.

State-wise Performance:

  • New South Wales recorded a 2.3% increase in capital expenditure.
  • Victoria showed strong growth with a 5.2% rise.
  • Queensland saw a 5.7% increase.
  • South Australia demonstrated impressive growth at 3.7%.
  • Western Australia, a resource-rich state, recorded a 6.1% increase.
  • Tasmania experienced a substantial 12.2% rise.
  • The Northern Territory saw an 11.2% increase.
  • The Australian Capital Territory had a 7.2% growth rate.

These figures indicate widespread growth across the Australian states, pointing towards a resilient and dynamic economy.

Future Releases:

The data on private capital expenditure provides valuable insights into Australia’s economic health and future prospects. As the nation looks forward to the 2023-24 financial year, the substantial increase in estimated expenditure suggests optimism in various industries. This data will continue to be closely monitored by economists and businesses as they plan for the future.



