Additional Funding for Initiatives to Promote Sustainable Food Production

In the revised national budget for 2023, one million Norwegian kroner has been allocated for awareness initiatives in agriculture. These funds will be used for a temporary grant program aimed at increasing knowledge and interest in sustainable food production. Various organizations, institutions, and municipalities have applied for these funds, and the projects that will receive grants have now been announced.

“These projects, each in their own way, highlight the importance of Norwegian agriculture. The initiatives are particularly targeted towards children and young people and are intended to increase knowledge and interest in sustainable food production. To ensure an active agricultural sector in the future, it’s crucial that children and young people learn about what agriculture actually entails. Knowledge forms the basis for interest, which in turn can contribute to recruitment,” stated Geir Pollestad, Minister of Agriculture and Food.

The projects receiving grants are:

Telemark Agricultural Company In collaboration with the State Administration of Vestfold and Telemark, Telemark Agricultural Company has been working on the project “Promotion of Sustainable Food Production & Reputation Building in Agriculture in Vestfold and Telemark.” The project has resulted in a website about food production and the connection between diet and sustainability, which has been well-received and widely used. The company aims to develop an educational program based on this website for use in middle schools and high schools. Grant: 225,000 Norwegian kroner.

Skjetlein Upper Secondary School The grant covers expenses for a project plan where the school’s teachers offer an educational program for students in middle school and those studying restaurant and food subjects in high school. The target audience is schools in the Trondheim area, with a broad reach. Students are invited to participate in an educational program related to the school farm’s production. The goal is to create interest in careers in the sector, inspire students to grow their own produce, and demonstrate the importance of agriculture. Grant: 100,000 Norwegian kroner.

Asker and Bærum Municipalities The application pertains to an extensive collaborative project between Asker and Bærum municipalities, featuring both educational and practical content for students in the municipalities in partnership with visiting farms. The application seeks support for the “The Farm as a Learning Arena” project, which builds on experiences from “Inn På Tunet” (On the Farm). The objective is to facilitate cooperation between schools and farmers so that students gain a better understanding of the values of agriculture and locally grown food. Grant: 225,000 Norwegian kroner.

Museum Nord The application is for the “GaiaDrøv” initiative, a concept for disseminating knowledge and a traveling exhibition about the significance of sheep in Arctic regions, with a focus on Vesterålen and Northern Norway. The primary target group is children and young people aged 6-18. The aim is to generate interest in agriculture and contribute to increased recruitment while creating understanding in the population about the use of open grazing land. Grant: 225,000 Norwegian kroner.

Nature and Youth (Natur og Ungdom) The application covers the projects “Agricultural Committee” and “Green Spatak.” The Agricultural Committee is intended to generate increased interest and knowledge among youth about agriculture. They aim to further develop the committee through resource materials, courses, and network development. Green Spatak is a project where young people aged 16-30 have the opportunity to volunteer for ten days during the summer on a farm, pasture, or with a grazing team. Through increased knowledge, the goal is to enhance understanding of agriculture’s importance for biodiversity and the climate and counter polarization, especially regarding predators. Grant: 225,000 Norwegian kroner.



