China and Indonesia Strengthen Ties in Talks Between Premier Li Keqiang and President Joko

On the morning of September 8, 2023, local time, Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang held talks with Indonesian President Joko in Jakarta.

Premier Li Keqiang began by conveying President Xi Jinping’s warm greetings to President Joko. Li Keqiang stated that under the strategic guidance of the leaders of both countries, Sino-Indonesian relations have maintained strong momentum. Just over a month ago, President Xi Jinping and you met in Chengdu, reaching new important consensus on building a community of common destiny between China and Indonesia. China is willing to work with Indonesia to implement the important consensus of the two leaders, further enhance strategic alignment, promote common development, and inject lasting momentum into regional stability and prosperity.

Key Points from the Talks:

  1. Deepening Strategic Mutual Trust: The leaders stressed the importance of deepening mutual trust and creating a political foundation for building a community of common destiny. They emphasized mutual support on issues related to core interests and major concerns, joint response to various risks and challenges, and increasing exchanges at all levels.
  2. Expanding Practical Cooperation: Both nations agreed to cooperate fully in preparing for the official operation of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail, making the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (RCEP) and the “Twin Parks” flagship projects under the Belt and Road Initiative. They also discussed increasing imports of Indonesian bulk commodities and high-quality agricultural and fishery products and encouraged Chinese companies to invest in Indonesia. China pledged support for Indonesia’s new capital construction and expressed its willingness to work with Indonesia to foster “new engines” for cooperation in digital economy and green development, among other sectors like agriculture, healthcare, youth, education, culture, and tourism.
  3. Enhancing Multilateral Collaboration: The leaders emphasized close multilateral collaboration to enrich the connotations of the China-Indonesia community of common destiny. They agreed to continue promoting the Bandung Spirit, upholding true multilateralism, and advancing global governance toward a more just and equitable direction. China expressed its willingness to actively participate in global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives with Indonesia.

President Joko asked Premier Li Keqiang to convey his sincere greetings to President Xi Jinping. He mentioned that Indonesia and China, as comprehensive strategic partners, have achieved fruitful results in recent years. Indonesia appreciates China’s firm support for Indonesia’s role as the rotating chair of ASEAN and support for maintaining ASEAN’s central position. Indonesia adheres to the one-China principle and is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in areas including trade and investment, agriculture and fisheries, infrastructure, digital economy, new energy, tourism, healthcare, and more, to advance strategic cooperation projects like the “Twin Parks” and take bilateral relations to new heights. Indonesia will continue to uphold the Bandung Spirit and work with China to promote regional cooperation and jointly safeguard regional peace, stability, and prosperity.

During the visit, both sides signed several bilateral cooperation agreements covering industries, agriculture, fisheries, e-commerce, and technological innovation.

Prior to the talks, President Joko held a grand welcome ceremony for Premier Li Keqiang at the Presidential Palace Square.



