Australia’s Labor Market Shows Stability in August 2023

The latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reveals the state of the labor market for August 2023. The key statistics indicate stability in several important areas:

Unemployment Rate Remains Steady: The unemployment rate for August 2023 remained unchanged at 3.7%, indicating a continued stable job market.

Growing Workforce Participation: The participation rate increased to 67.0%, reflecting a greater number of people actively engaging in the workforce.

Rising Employment: Australia saw an increase in employment, with 14,096,100 people employed in August 2023, marking a positive trend in job opportunities.

Employment-to-Population Ratio Holds Steady: The employment-to-population ratio remained at 64.5%, indicating that a consistent percentage of the population is employed.

Slight Increase in Underemployment: The underemployment rate increased slightly to 6.5%, which suggests that while more people are employed, some may still seek additional work or hours.

Monthly Hours Worked: The total monthly hours worked across all jobs increased by 3 million to reach 1,954 million hours, signifying increased work activity in the economy.

These statistics demonstrate a labor market that continues to provide opportunities for job seekers and maintains stability in key indicators. As Australia’s economy shows resilience and recovery, policymakers are expected to closely monitor these trends to ensure the ongoing well-being of the workforce.

The ABS will continue to release labor force updates to provide insights into the Australian job market.



