Homeland Security Advisory Council Focuses on AI, Workforce, and Grants Program

In its fourth in-person meeting, the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) convened under the leadership of Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas to discuss key areas including AI, workforce adaptation, and the Homeland Security Grant Program.

AI Advancements: The HSAC’s AI Mission Focused Subcommittee outlined strategies to harness AI’s potential for critical missions. This comes alongside new policies promoting responsible AI use. Recommendations include establishing a central office for AI policy and enhancing AI’s role in various DHS areas.

Workforce Adaptation: Another subcommittee’s final report emphasized the importance of technology in adapting the workforce to meet stakeholder needs. Suggestions include updating training modules, enabling remote and hybrid work, and enhancing tools for facility occupancy assessment. Diversity and inclusion remain central to recruitment and retention efforts.

Grant Program Enhancement: The Homeland Security Grant Program Subcommittee proposed policy and legislative changes to improve funding distribution. Key recommendations involve altering threat risk methodology, enhancing coordination for a threat index, and granting the Secretary of Homeland Security greater control over allocation.

Customer Experience Directorate: DHS also launched a Customer Experience Directorate to simplify, make accessible, and improve services for all DHS customers. This move aligns with efforts to reduce the public burden, achieving a 20 million-hour reduction in paperwork burdens.

Secretary Mayorkas expressed gratitude for the bipartisan group’s contributions, highlighting the evolving threat landscape and the importance of the HSAC in safeguarding the nation.




