Increased Support of 15 Million SEK for County Administrative Boards’ Efforts Against Gender-Based Violence

The Swedish government has announced a decision to boost support for County Administrative Boards by 15 million Swedish kronor. The aim is to strengthen the boards’ capacity for development work and collaboration among authorities, municipalities, regions, and civil society in combating honor-related violence and oppression, domestic violence, prostitution and human trafficking, sexual exploitation of children, as well as sexual harassment and abuse.

The allocated funds can, for example, be utilized to support municipalities in their violence prevention efforts or in the development of increased support and protection for adult and child victims of violence. In total, County Administrative Boards will have access to 35 million kronor in 2023 for these initiatives.

“It is of utmost importance that everyone who experiences domestic violence receives the protection and support they need. It is also crucial that perpetrators of violence receive help and treatment to change their behavior. Therefore, it is positive that we are increasing support for County Administrative Boards so that they can more extensively assist municipalities in their development and violence prevention work,” stated Paulina Brandberg, Minister for Gender Equality and Deputy Minister for Employment.

This directive will be reported in conjunction with the reporting pursuant to the Regulation (2021:995) on County Administrative Boards’ Regional Work Against Men’s Violence Against Women.



