New Zealand’s NCSC Releases Cyber Security Investment Guidance for Business Leaders

The Government Communications Security Bureau’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) in New Zealand has unveiled a new resource aimed at assisting business leaders and cyber security professionals in comprehending and managing cyber security investments effectively.

Structured Approach: Lisa Fong, Deputy Director-General of GCSB and responsible for NCSC, emphasized the need for a well-structured approach to cyber security investment. She emphasized the importance of aligning cyber security strategy with organizational strategy and financial governance.

Cyber Resilience: The ultimate goal of effective cyber security investment, according to Fong, is to integrate cyber resilience into an organization’s culture. Cyber security investment plans should be adaptable to accommodate the constantly evolving threat landscape.

Four-Phase Approach: The guidance outlines a four-phase approach to cyber security investment: understanding the organization’s threat landscape, defining a strategy, delivering results, and measuring success. While not exhaustive, this guidance serves as a valuable starting point for organizations seeking to structure their cyber security investment strategy.

This release marks the final installment in a series of guidance documents developed by NCSC based on an analysis of the cyber security resilience of 250 New Zealand organizations. Previous releases focused on incident management, cyber security governance, and supply chain cyber security.

The guidance is intended for use by organizations of all sizes and capabilities, both in the public and private sectors.

Keywords: Cyber Security, Investment Guidance, Cyber Resilience, Structured Approach, New Zealand, NCSC



