Sweden Recommends Eleven Infrastructure Projects for EU Funding

The Swedish government has decided to recommend eleven Swedish infrastructure projects for co-financing from the EU’s Connecting Europe Facility. These projects are of significance for both military mobility and Sweden’s preparedness, contributing to crucial efforts to ensure a robust transportation system.

Infrastructure and Housing Minister Andreas Carlson stated, “The Swedish projects now recommended are vital pieces of the puzzle, not only for improving Sweden’s transportation system but also as part of fulfilling our international commitments in the future, both to the EU and in light of our upcoming NATO membership.”

Defense Minister Pål Jonson emphasized, “The ability to swiftly and securely move both soldiers and equipment in the event of a crisis or war is central to our military capability. Therefore, it is important to strengthen infrastructure and take other necessary measures to increase military mobility.”

The EU Commission will evaluate the various project applications during the fall, and decisions on which projects will receive funding are expected no later than January 2024. The Swedish projects recommended by the government collectively request approximately €245 million in grants.

The eleven projects are as follows:

  1. Capacity Enhancement for Freight Transport on the Malmbanan Railway, Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).
  2. Västlänken Railway Connection, Olskroken, Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).
  3. Road E22 Fjälkinge-Gualöv, Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).
  4. Road E4 Section Kånna-Ljungby, Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).
  5. New Double Track for Railway on the Hallsberg-Stenkumla Freight Corridor, Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket).
  6. Icebreaking in Sundsvall Port, Sundsvalls Hamn AB.
  7. Bridge Construction in Sundsvall, Sundsvall Municipality.
  8. Study to Increase Capacity at Karlskrona Baltic Port, Verkö, Karlskrona Municipality.
  9. New Connection Between Halmstad Port and Road E6, Halmstad Municipality.
  10. Icebreakers, Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket).
  11. New Connection to Trelleborg Port, Trelleborg Municipality.

These projects are expected to bolster both Sweden’s civilian transportation infrastructure and its military preparedness, aligning with Sweden’s commitment to enhancing its role in European defense and security.

Keywords: Infrastructure Projects, EU Funding, Military Mobility, Transportation, Sweden




